Since I have setup a Dotfiles repo using the useful Chezmoi I am using a single configuration everywhere. Something else I also do is use one account for all my work regardless of the computer I’m on.

However that means you encounter issues with software which wasn’t exactly designed for users who operate under different “aliases” on the same account. Such as, when I’m working for one of my clients, I do all my commits under the email address associated with that organisation. While this is strictly unnecessary as people rarely use that email address, it’s something I do.

Interestingly enough git itself isn’t the issue here. While Git only has space for 1 email in it’s ~/.gitconfig file it’s configuration files are flexible enough to allow you to work around the issue in multiple ways, such as [] having different “project folders” for different repos using: [includeIf "gitdir:~/work/"]; [] using a relative path for the email by use of: git config --global --set include.path ../.gitemail; or the method I’m using and just leaving it unset in my ~/.gitconfig file ( ) then setting it in each repo’s $WD/.git/config file using git config --set

However Jetbrains products on the other hand assumes that ~/.gitconfig doesn’t have populated as a mistake and is insistent on getting me to set it:


The dialog is good, but the fact that it checks it by default is annoying.. I have logged a ticket in the past for this but I couldn’t find it; I was able to find this one though: I suggested that they use as one of the ways of testing for this behaviour. While it probably isn’t the best way.

Maybe I should see if I could get some override using however I suspect that that would also require a ticket for the feature to be added in Jetbrains products still.